
VeriScan is an access control, visitor management, and age verification app that reads all driver’s licenses, military IDs, and other state IDs from the US and Canada. It introduces a new standard for portable ID reading and is used by organizations such as the California DMV. Features: • Reads Government issued Driver’s Licenses and other IDs from the U.S. and Canada using the camera of your phone • Age verification and adjustable age (18, 21, etc) • Collects customer info such as name, gender and mailing address • Customizable Group Manager (VIP, Black list, etc) • Capture additional data such as Phone, Email, Comments, Signature • Velocity check (multiple scan alert) • Instant report available right on device • Capture a picture of an ID • No Internet connection required, No Contracts. VeriScan Online is a powerful cloud-based application that scans all passports, any type of US or Canadian ID and collects all of the information into an online dashboard.

Extract personal identification and reference data from US and Canada Driver Licenses and ID cards. Read the PDF417 and 1D barcodes from identification.

Share lists (VIP, Banned, etc.), collect data, and generate sophisticated marketing reports. UniScan tracks attendance and collects attendee statistics at any event.

Instantly scan any magnetic stripe or 1D/2D card including school IDs, loyalty cards, trade show badges, and gym memberships (does not include state-issued IDs) to collect data such as name, gender, and ID number. Features: • Works with any type of ID, including magnetic stripe and 1D/2D barcodes • Provides real-time stats such as number of IDs scanned • Collects info such as number, email, and comments • Exports data via email, Dropbox (premium feature), or iTunes File Sharing • Scans 1D/2D barcodes with the device’s back camera (only available for iPhone 4+, iPod 5+, iPad).

UniScan Web allows you to extract the information stored in a barcode and append the data to a URL. Using this app, you can use your iPhone, iPod, or iPad to scan IDs and barcodes and populate the information into the fields of a web form. Features: • Quick setup that allows you to customize the data you collect from a barcode • Support for POST and GET requests • Scan barcodes using the built-in camera on your device (iPhone 4+, iPod 5+, iPad) • Preset any Home URL and the URL to send POST/GET requests • Browse to any web page and quickly populate any web form • Open UniScan inside the app or in an external browser • A variety of settings that will allow you to setup the app for any environment. BadgeScan is a universal tradeshow and conference badge scanner for exhibitors and attendees. Quickly capture lead information by scanning a tradeshow badge’s barcode using the camera of your iPhone 4S+ or iPad 3+. Features: • Scan any 2D barcode, QR code, or magnetic stripe tradeshow badge • Collect customer info (name, position, email, etc.) immediately after scanning their tradeshow badge • Organize your leads into customizable groups to better classify them by industry or lead type • Add customizable tags to each lead to help your sales team organize each sales opportunity • Export all information in CSV format to organize in Excel or your CRM system.

Driver's License Countdown Clock - Countdown clock on your desktop or webpage to count down days, hours and minutes to your Driver's License!Obtaining your driver's license is one of the most important events of your life. Now you can count down the time until this special date.You can play our car sound effect or insert your favorite song! Increase awareness Build anticipation Re-enforce the importance of this event. Your anticipation will build as you count down the days, hours and minutes. Makes a great gift. T barker shotgun serial numbers.


• Platform: Windows • Publisher: • Date: 12-9-2009. Nautilus VeriAge Wizz Program lets you read, display and save information from driver's licenses with a magnetic stripe and/or 2D barcode.

ClearImage Barcode Recognition SDK provides highly accurate and fast barcode recognition technology for all popular 1D (Code39, Code128, UPC, etc.), 2D (DataMatrix, PDF417, QR), Postal (USPS Intelligent Mail, etc), and Drivers License barcodes. The API supports barcode reading from PDF, TIFF, JPEG, image files, and faxed documents regardless of quality.

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