Glauberovy prameny jsou celkem ctyri a nesou jmeno znameho nemeckeho alchymisty 17. Stoleti Johanna Rudolfa Glaubera, ktery pracoval na vyrobe univerzalniho rozpoustedla, pricemz jako vedlejsi produkt sveho snazeni ziskal roku 1625 siran sodny - Glauberovu sul ( Na2SO4+H2O ). Tato sloucenina s vysoce projimavymi ucinky tvori vyznamnou soucast vsech ctyr pramenu, ktere se navzajem lisi mineralizaci a obsahem CO2.

In Franzensbad Spa you can find four Glauber springs. They were discovered after the WW1 and named after a famous German alchemist of 17th century Johann Rudolf Glauber. In 1625 he was in a process of making a universal solvent and as a byproduct he discovered sodium sulphate - Glauber's salt (Na2SO4 + H2O).

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This compound, which has high laxative effect, is a significant part of the springs. The springs itself can be distinguished by mineralization and a content of CO2. Vyvera v empirovem pavilonku u Labutiho jezirka,ma prijemnou chut, mirne projimave ucinky a ordinuje se pri strevnich a zaludecnich katarech,pramen pochazi z roku 1919 a vyvera z hloubky 33,3m.

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Rises in the pavilion (built in the Empire style) near the Swan Lake. It has a pleasant taste, and because of its laxative effect it is prescribed for the patients with stomach and intestinal catarrh. The spring dates from 1919 and it rises from the depth of 33,3 meters.

Vyvera v drevenem pavilonku v Dvorakovych sadech, ma podobne,ale slabsi ucinky,nez Glauber I.Pramen pochazi z roku 1925 a vyvera z hloubky 25m. Glauber II rises in the wooden pavilion in the Dvorak garden and has similar, but weaker effects than the Glauber spring I. It dates from 1925 and rises from the depth of 25 meters.

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Vyvera spolu s Glauber IV. Ve dvorane Glauberovych pramenu-honosnem pavilonu z roku 1930.Ma vyrazny projimavy ucinek a ordinuje se pri zacpe,ktera je castym doprovodnym jevem gynekologickych i jinych zde lecenych chorob.Pramen pochazi z roku 1921. Razrabotki zanyatij shkola buduschego pervoklassnika. Rises together with Glauber IV in the Glauber Spring Hall. This glamorous pavilion has been standing in Franzensbad Spa since 1930.

Spring itself dates from 1921 and has distinctive laxative effect and is prescribed for constipation that is often secondary symptom to gynecological or other condition. Ma mohutny projimavy ucinek a nejlepe se snasi mirne zahraty.Je to pramen s nejvetsim obsahem Glauberovy soli na svete,s nejvyssi celkovou mineralizaci ve Frantiskovych laznich a potazmo i v cele oblasti zapadoceskych kyselek.U nas se vyskytuji silneji mineralizovane vody pouze na Ostravsku.Glauberovy prameny byly objeveny vrty po prvni svetove valce.Pramen pochazi z roku 1919 a vyvera z hloubky 92,6m.

Master kit ba8050 drajver. Has massive laxative effect and it is better tolerated when heated a little. This spring has the highest content of Glauber salt in the world, the highest mineralization in Franzensbad Spa and by extension in the whole region of west Bohemian.

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