Ecological education in English language When I look around I realized that not all people understand the importance of nature protection. One fine summer days a lot of people go out of town. They have picnics on the shores of lakes and the banks of rivers or on beautiful forest glades and they often leave behind a lot of rubbish- plastic bags and bottles, tins and paper. It makes me feel sad when I see people returning to town with huge bunches of forest or meadow flowers. Many of these plants are included into the Red Book which contains the names of rare plants and animals.

Jun 15, 2016 - A further complication is that Soviet orientalism involved increasing. In Georgia and Central Asia (most importantly, Kazakhstan). 1962); Nravy i obyčai kurdov: kurdskij tekst s russkim perevodom. Of political or ideological factors on the selection of topics for research. Multilingual environment.

Some of them have become extinct and others are on the verge of disappearing. If we don't realize that we are all responsible for what's happening around us we will never feel secure about the future of the world we live in. According to expert conclusions, environmental situation in several regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan nowadays is not only unfavorable, but even catastrophic. The most dangerous demonstrations of today’s environmental crisis are oil pollution of the Caspian Sea, reduction of water in Aral Sea, a harmful effect of the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. For example, only in Almaty appeared a number of various public organizations more or less engaged in solving environmental issues, they are: “Kazakh Society for Nature Protection” NGO, Socio-Ecological Fund “NGO ECO forum”, “Guldenu” NGO, Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development, “Tau” Ecological Center” NGO, “Ecology of biosphere” laboratory, “NGO Ecological Forum’s Resource Center” NGO, Ecological Union for associations and enterprises of Kazakhstan “Tabigat”, “Atom” NGO, “Center for sustainable production and consumption” Corporate Fund, “Ecological center” Fund and many others. In addition to state regulations, globalization of ecological problems requires an active participation of non-governmental ecological organizations and ecological movements on the global, national and regional levels.

Thus, Kazakhstani NGOs gained some experience in the protection of the environment. Several nongovernmental organizations are involved in the creation of environment protection legislation and monitor its implementation. For several years “Kaspyi Tabigaty” Atyrau NGO sharply criticized the activities of OKIOC and Tengizshevroil companies in the Caspian Sea, forcing them to solve problems of a negative impact of their activities on the ecological situation in the region. During 2002, the Ecological Union “Tabigat”, Karaganda Ecocenter and other “green” NGOs set on a large anti-nuclear campaign, organized public hearings concerning the problem of import and disposal of radioactive waste on the territory of different towns of Kazakhstan. By contrast, the water level of the Caspian Sea has been rising steadily since 1978 for reasons that scientists have not been able to explain fully.

Ecological Problems Of Kazakhstan Topic S Perevodom

Minecraft universal electricity mod download 152. At the northern end of the sea, more than a million hectares of land in Atyrau Province have been flooded. Experts estimate that if current rates of increase persist, the coastal city of Atyrau, eighty-eight other population centers, and many of Kazakstan's Caspian oil fields could be submerged by 2020.Wind erosion has also had an impact in the northern and central parts of the republic because of the introduction of wide-scale dryland wheat farming. By the mid-1990s, Kazakhstan faces several important environmental issues. As the site of the former Soviet Union's nuclear testing programs, areas of the nation have been exposed to high levels of nuclear radiation, and there is significant radioactive pollution. The nation also has 30 uranium mines, which add to the problem of uncontrolled release of radioactivity.Kazakhstan has sought international support to convince China to stop testing atomic bombs near its territory, because of the dangerous fall out Mismanagement of irrigation projects has caused the level of the Aral Sea to drop by 13 m, decreasing its size by 50%. The change in size has changed the climate in the area and revealed 3 million hectares of land that are now subject to erosion.

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