Starax Podjetje Starax je eden od vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev žičnatih sistemov za pohištvo. Ustanovljeno je bilo leta 1996 v Istanbul-u, Turčija. Trenutno zaposlujejo 300 delavcev v tovarni in skladišču, s skupno površino preko 20.000 m2. Nenehen razvoj in tehnološko dovršena proizvodnja so zagotovilo za odličen servis in kvaliteten proizvod, ki ga nudijo svojim kupcem.


Leta 2008 so pridobili certifikat za kakovost ISO-9001:2008. Širok nabor izdelkov za kuhinje, spalnice in kopalniško pohištvo izvažajo v 80 držav po vsem svetu.

Barvanje po kreybergu. Izloča sialomucine. Novejše raziska-ve so pokazale, da je v kompletni IM izražen intestinalni mucin MUC2, izražanje želodč-nih mucinov (MUC1, MUC5AC, MUC6) pa.


Glavni trg jim predstavlja domače, turško tržišče, Evropa in države bližnjega vzhoda. Več o podjetju Starax si lahko ogledate na.

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These cookies are anonymous and do not allow the tracking of specific identified user. • Website uses cookies that enable anonymous tracking of information. These advertising cookies are used to tailor our advertising to your needs. With further use of this website you agree to our cookie policy. You can always change your cookie settings by clicking the link in the footer of this page. Your Settings. Functional and Performance These analytics cookies allow us to improve the site's functionality by anonymously tracking usage.

In some cases these cookies improve the speed with which we can process your request, allow us to remember site preferences you've selected and help connect you to your social networks.De-selecting these cookies may result in poorly-tailored recommendations and slow site performance. You also may not be able to share effectively with Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks.

No Advertising - No Government Grants - This Is Independent Media This makes complete nonsense of the Theresa May’s “of a type developed by Russia” line, used to parliament and the UN Security Council. This explains why Porton Down have refused to cave in to governmental pressure to say the nerve agent was Russian. If Iran can make a novichok, so can a significant number of states.

Zte grand x quad proshivka flashtool download. While Iran acted absolutely responsibly in cooperating with the OPCW, there are a handful of rogue states operating outwith the rule of international law, like Israel and North Korea, which refuse to ratify the Chemical Weapons Convention, join the OPCW or destroy their chemical weapons stocks. Russia has cooperated in the OPCW destruction of all its chemical weapons stocks, completed last year, which included regular OPCW inspection of all the sites alleged to have been in the original “novichok” programme. Why nobody is even looking at the rogue states outwith the OPCW is a genuine puzzle. Extraordinarily, only the Guardian was still carrying an article which claimed “only the Russian state” could make a novichok. Despite the lying propaganda regurgitated by virtually every corporate and state “journalist”, in truth is it is now proven beyond dispute that “of a type developed by Russia” has zero evidential value and is a politician’s weasel phrase designed deliberately to mislead the public.

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